Starting in 1939, preliminary designs were conceived for
self-propelled guns, known as schwere Betonknacker (heavy concrete busters),
which were intended to be used against strong fortifications such as those
being constructed by the French. Utilizing a previously designed 12,8 cm Flak
gun, the design of the superstucture and gun was assigned to Rheinmetall and
design of the chassis was assigned to Henschel.

Components designed for the VK 30.01 were to be incorporated
into the Versuchs-Fahrgestell (trial chassis) for the Pz.Sfl.V. Details on the
components and design considerations were related in the following Henschel
report on the „Sfl.V”:
Weight: 36 metric tons, maximum speed 19,6 km/h
Pz-Wanne (armor hull): Special model due to its length and
mounting a Rheinmetall-Borsig 12,8 cm gun that is to be dismountable. Armor on
the front consisted of 50 mm thick rolled plates, while armor plates on the
hull sides were 30mm thick. Superstucture without roof. The hull is longer than
the VK 30.01 because of the location of the gun mount, but it is of single
piece construction like the VK 30.01.
Gleiskette (tracks): Same as the VK 30.01, but longer.
Motor: Mabach 6 cylinder HL 116, but a special model because
the engine is higher than the radiators.
Kuehlung (Cooling): Same as the VK 30.01 but mounted lower.
The fan drives are aligned differently, as well as the cooling air path.

Laufraeder (roadwheels): One whell more (8 total per side)
because of a higher total weight than the VK 30.01 Oberbaurat Kniepkamp had
concerns that the track would be thrown because of the great length between the
last outer roadwheel and the idler wheel. The order for the inner and outer
roadwhells was selected so that it results in both ends having 1300mm distance
between the track leaving the roadwheel and being supported by the drive
sprocket or idler.
Stabfedern (torsion bars): As a backfit modification the
last two roadwheels on both sides had stronger torsion bars. This was done to eliminate
the vehicle rocking so strongly that the gunner couldn’t observe the target
again until after the projectile had already hit.
A crew of five manned this self-propelled gun. As always,
the names applied to this project evolved with time, as follows:
- 12,8 cm Selbstfahrlafette L/61 Pz.Sfl.V (Rheinmetall, 1940)
- Schwere Betonknacker (In 6, 30Jul1941)
- Pz.Sfl. fuer 12,8 cm K.40 (Wa Z 4, 14Jan1942)

It is possible, that the in-game stats will look something
similar like this:
As you see the Guns have high RoF, this is because without
this quality, the tank will be only an oversized Dickermax with the same Guns.
Accuracy and Aim time stays quite low. Note that this tank is Open-Topped, also
has 2 gunner. Penetration is over all Tier 7s and can compete with Tier 8 TDs, in
both Penetration and Avg. Dmg.(Of course OP ISU-152 lefts everything behind)
Mobility is fairly low, because of weak engines and way too
big size(Actually it is bigger, than Porsches’s Ferdinand), this gives 8,15
hp/t with the historical 320 HP engine.
This is for the first Part
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