Friday, 29 November 2013
Monday, 11 November 2013
Object 430, Russians are leaking again..
so today some nice guys leaked the upcoming medium for the 9th place in the new line. (others were impleneted already, but they had problems balancing this one.) Seems like we get a very OP tank just as for look, it may be very mobile and actually kinda small, which are very usefull during the heavy rush of TDs. Gun looks like a 100mm one, just like on T-54.
So here it is:
Saturday, 9 November 2013
Sturer Emil Review
tank destroyer developed on the chassis of the VK 3001(H) heavy tank. Only two
vehicles were manufactured. They fought on the Eastern Front. The tank
destroyer was designated as “Sturer Emil” (German for “Stubborn Emil”) due to frequent
One of
the most powerful TDs deployed during the second World War is now finally
ingame. Is it worth getting it or not, the question is and we will tell you
from every aspects, why it is or not!
8.9, the
patch everybody was waiting literally for years. WG changed the date several
times, but it was inescapable not to implent them, because of the high
interests. (Just a small survey from the EU: 171 people voted on „yes they are
lookin forward to it” in the related topic. Only 17 „poor” people voted on the
no option, I think this demonstrates it very well.) The line’s tanks are almost
all historical, expect the Waffenträger E-100(Star Wars tenk), others were in
„already completed stage” or fought during the great war.
how does
it perform in battle?
It can
be described as one of the biggest glass cannons, having the same size as
Ferdinand, having the armor of a low-medium equals bad survivability chances,
you must be careful and prepare to die in every single battles. Top Gun is something
that gets out of you this „I WANT IT NOW” effect. It can really cause hard times
for those who unluckily drives into your aiming circle. Viewrange is correct as
it stands on paper, you hide, hit, hide. Camo factor, don’t wish huge failure,
it isn’t impressive, but can be hardly detected, when in bush or far away.
should you play it? Never heared of Dickermax? Gold for win? Does armor count
that much? Does size matter? Questions are set, shall we begin?
Sturer Emil is armed with the 128mm Kannone 40 , the performance of which lies
somewhere between the Jagdtiger’s 128mm and the 105mm K18 guns on the
Dickermax. Better than the second, but inferior to the first. It is very much a
real anti-tank gun, with better than avg. damage, penetration and a decent

stock gun, I can only describe it as a huge failure. Penetration is very low
until you get the big one, there is no other solution at the time. (WG stand
for history’s side, because actually there were some Experimental Sturer Emils
during the war, which used a „10,5 cm K” gun, no data, if this was the same as
Dicker Max’s. Anyway it is highly possible not, because AP shell’s penetration
is superior to the small Dick’s. 173mm [30 degrees] vs 169mm [0 degrees], both
on 100m. WG better fix it) Back to the in-game one. Accuracy could be better,
if reduced to 0,34-0,33. Right now you can’t hit any weakspot surely from 100m.
Aim time is quite funny, you have to rotate the tank frequently and it is too
long in this aspect. Somehow it feels 128 aims faster, than this one, or it is
just me.
The Emil
can’t use APCR on the Elite gun, nevertheless penetration is enough for
anything what it meets. 10,5 cm is able to carry all the known projectile
types.(AP, APCR, HE) APCR is a really saving point in terrible battles. 227 is
more than enough to take out several Tier 9 vehciles frontally, if not then safely
the sides from range too.
shells can be sometimes usefull, 128mm being a relatively big calibre at this
tier, and so it can penetrate sides or rears.

Again a
big weakness of this tank destroyer is that it is slower than most counterparts.
With a power/weight ratio of less than 9, avoid driving on rough and hilly
ground at all costs. Fortunately the hull traverse speed is a respectable 34
deg/s which should give mediums and some lights a hard time circling you,
providing you stay on hard, flat ground.
The low
speed means that you can often find yourself left behind in faster paced
battles: a frustrating problem. This makes it all the more important to pick
your route at the start of a battle wisely. Generally you want to travel to an
area of the map that sees long-range fighting, but doesn’t already have a
strong friendly presence. If there are too many allied tanks, they will reach
the enemy first, and kill them before you even get to fire a shot.
On the
other hand it is never a good idea to travel anywhere alone. Your poor mobility
and armor leaves you very vulnerable to
agile tanks if they catch you alone.

The Enhanced
Gun Laying is a vital piece of equipment for any slow aiming tanks or tank
destroyers with weak gun arc. The vertical stabilizer will assist with your
aiming time, when shooting tanks in motion. It is vital to be fully aimed as
your shells have to hit weak spots on higher tiers to deal damage or reach the
target, because of the mediocore accuracy.
As with
most tanks, I would recommend the standard setup of Small Repair kit, Small
First Aid Kit and a Manual Fire Extinguisher. You could swap out the fire
extinguisher for the Chocolate (This tank dont likes to burn as it might be
known traditionally for german tanks) to improve every aspects of the tank,
helping it move, aim and fire faster; making it an all round better tank.
However it will cost you 20.000 credits or 50 gold a game which can be too much
a little bit. If you have the cash however, and are just playing the Sturer
Emil for fun, then go ahead and use the desssert.
you always want to have a crew with a high camouflage in a tank destroyer.
One tank
that I find has a similar play style and thus crew setup to the Emil is the
Dicker Max’s. The optimal skill choices
for the Pz.Sfl.V, in my opinion, are as follows.
Commander: Sixth Sense, Mentor, BIA
Gunner: Camouflage, Deadeye, BIA
Driver: Camouflage, Clutch Braking, BIA
Radio Operator: Camouflage, Situational
Awareness, BIA
Loader: Camouflage, Adrenaline Rush, BIA
- Highest Penetrating gun on it’s tier. Superior in damage output also. (expect SU-152)
- Godlike Elevation Arc (One of the highest in-game)
- Good Rate of Fire.
- High ammo capacity for stock gun.
- Fast Traverse speed, cannot be circled easily.
- Excellent View Range.
- Good Camo-Factor.
- No armor at all.
- Very limited mobility capabilities.
- So big as Ferdinand.
- Painful stock grind.
- Low ammo capacity for the elite gun.
- No mid-gun between the 10,5cm and 12,8cm.
- Medicore accuracy for both guns.
& Overall Play style:
- Never go anywhere alone. You are vulnerable to being flanked, and will struggle to deal with multiple opponents. You’re a damage dealer and so often you’ll need the support of your allies to quickly get in cover and have cover fire, when detected.
- You have no armor, never forget this.
- Keep your distance. The optimal fighting range for this tank is between 200 and 400m. You want to stay far enough away that you are hard to hit, but close enough that you can still hit enemies, because of your accuracy.
- It takes a long time to react to changes on the battlefield so make sure that you have great situational awareness.
- Shoot at what you can kill(stock), don’t waste your time shooting at heavily armoured targets unless there’s nothing else to point your gun at.
- Use your Rate of Fire (stock). If an enemy is moving at you, but he can’t still see you, blow his tracks off first, then shoot one freely and then again tracks.
Historical Overview
in 1939, preliminary designs were conceived for self-propelled guns, known as
schwere Betonknacker (heavy concrete busters), which were intended to be used
against strong fortifications such as those being constructed by the French.
Utilizing a previously designed 12,8 cm Flak gun, the design of the
superstucture and gun was assigned to Rheinmetall and design of the chassis was
assigned to Henschel.

A 12,8 cm Kanone L61 was to be designed utilizing the Flak gun tube with carriage and recoil cylinders from the 12,8 cm Flak Gerät 40. The gun by itself weighted 7,835 tons. Mounted on a chassis and surrounded by an open top superstucture, traverse was limited to 12 degrees (7 degrees right and 5 degrees left) with an elevation arc from -15 to +10 degrees. A 12,8 cm Sprenggranate L/4.5 mit Rauchentwichler Nr.9 weighing 26 kg was fired at a muzzle velocity of 880 m/s. A 12,8 cm Panzergranate mit Lichtspurhuelse Nr.4 and weighing 26,35 kg (including 190 gram HE filler) was also fired at a muzzle velocity of 880 m/s.
designed for the VK 30.01 were to be incorporated into the Versuchs-Fahrgestell
(trial chassis) for the Pz.Sfl.V. Details on the components and design
considerations were related in the following Henschel report on the „Sfl.V”:
Weight: 36 metric tons, maximum speed
19,6 km/h
Pz-Wanne (armor hull): Special model due to its length
and mounting a Rheinmetall-Borsig 12,8 cm gun that is to be dismountable. Armor
on the front consisted of 50 mm thick rolled plates, while armor plates on the
hull sides were 30mm thick. Superstucture without roof. The hull is longer than
the VK 30.01 because of the location of the gun mount, but it is of single
piece construction like the VK 30.01.
Gleiskette (tracks): Same as the VK 30.01, but
Motor: Mabach 6 cylinder HL 116, but a
special model because the engine is higher than the radiators.
Kuehlung (Cooling): Same as the VK 30.01 but
mounted lower. The fan drives are aligned differently, as well as the cooling
air path.
Ketten-Antrieb (track drive): Lower gear ratio because of the
longer track contact requires increased steering capability
Laufraeder (roadwheels): One whell more (8 total per
side) because of a higher total weight than the VK 30.01 Oberbaurat Kniepkamp
had concerns that the track would be thrown because of the great length between
the last outer roadwheel and the idler wheel. The order for the inner and outer
roadwhells was selected so that it results in both ends having 1300mm distance
between the track leaving the roadwheel and being supported by the drive
sprocket or idler.
Stabfedern (torsion bars): As a backfit modification the
last two roadwheels on both sides had stronger torsion bars. This was done to
eliminate the vehicle rocking so strongly that the gunner couldn’t observe the
target again until after the projectile had already hit.
A crew
of five manned this self-propelled gun. As always, the names applied to this
project evolved with time, as follows:
- 12,8 cm Selbstfahrlafette L/61 Pz.Sfl.V (Rheinmetall, 1940)
- Schwere Betonknacker (In 6, 30Jul1941)
- Pz.Sfl. fuer 12,8 cm K.40 (Wa Z 4, 14Jan1942)

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